Dia nos a topa ku Steven de Lira, un meeting ku tabata djis pa “catch up”, a transformá bira un seshon di “brainstorm”. Den retrospektiva e enkuentro aki a bai hopi mas leu di loke nos por a premirá. Transformando un simpel introdukshon den interkambio di ideanan, vishon, i kreando un kolaborashon pa huntu alkansá metanan ku ta den bienestar di nos dushi Kòrsou.
Steven, e òutor di entre otro e buki “Everybody is a Mentor” i e ingeniero tras di e plataforma iseekme, su vishon ta resoná ku e mishon di IT4Curaçao. Su enfoke riba desaroyo personal di e hubentut ta reflehá nos metanan pa ku IT4Curaçao.
Iseekme ta sobresalí den e mundu digital aktual pa medio di transformá ret sosial den un medio pa desaroyo personal. E ta un espasio úniko kaminda individuonan den diferente etapa di nan bida por konektá, kompartí konosementu i kontribuí na desaroyo, kultivando un komunidat ku ta inspirá.
Nos kolaborashon ku Steven ta bai mas leu ku un “partnership”; e ta un kompromiso pa duna un aporte na nos komunidat. Pa medio di uni forsa, nos ker krea un ekosistema sólido ku por yuda talentonan lokal desaroyá. E aliansa aki no solamente ta amplia nos kapasidat di hasi un diferensia, pero tambe ta ekstendé nos impakto, i pèrmití nos pa inspirá i alkansá mas hende.
Awor, nos ta invitá bo pa forma parti di e moveshon aki. Pa medio di bo eksperensia, konosementu i vishon bo por aportá den guia e siguiente generashon. Komo un mèntòr, bo tin e abilidat pa yuda krea e kaminda pa e lídernan di mañan triunfá. Laga nos traha huntu pa fortifiká nos komunidat su futuro. Huntu nos por sòru pa un mihó mañan pa nos dushi Kòrsou.
The visionary, forging ahead with the legacy of his parents
Our recent meeting with Steven de Lira transformed from a casual meeting into a groundbreaking three-hour brainstorm in Rotterdam. This session laid the cornerstone for what promises to be an invigorating partnership. Surpassing all expectations, what began as a simple introduction evolved into a shared vision for Curacao’s progress.
Steven, celebrated for his book “Everybody is a Mentor” and the pioneering iseekme platform, embodies a vision that resonates deeply with our objectives at IT4Curacao. His dedication to fostering personal growth within the Curacao community aligns perfectly with our values, enhancing our collective endeavor.
The iseekme platform reimagines social media as a force for authentic personal development in the digital era. It provides a distinctive gathering place where individuals at various stages of life can exchange knowledge, share wisdom, and flourish together, cultivating a community of motivated minds.
Our partnership represents more than a mere alliance; it is a pledge to the prosperity of our island and its inhabitants. By combining our resources and expertise, we are establishing a robust support system to cultivate local talent. This union not only augments our strengths but also extends our influence, allowing us to inspire and make a difference in the lives of many.
We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us. Your unique experiences and insights are invaluable in mentoring the next generation of Curacao’s talent. As a mentor, you wield the influence to illuminate paths for emerging leaders, aiding them in learning, evolving, and achieving. Together, we can fortify our community, one connection at a time. Join us in this transformative endeavor.